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Happy New Year Explaning some techniques. Read the Full Story
New Sifu 3 On December 30, 2015 we had a farewell meeting of the year and delivery of the "Instructor Certificate, eighth level (Sifu)". Read the Full Story
Sifu Francis Garcia Rivera We met with the purpose of sharing together and at the same time a historic moment for Wing Chun Original Kung Fu Club of Truijillo Alto to present the instructor certificate to four students. With hard work, effort, consistency, dedication, and loyalty they have reached the goal that will be the beginning of another stage in the life of these four instructors. Congratulations to them. Read the Full Story
New Sifu 1 Farewell meeting of the year and delivery of the "Instructor Certificate, eighth level (Sifu)". Read the Full Story
Powerful RokStories Module for Joomla 30 December / 2015 Farewell meeting of the year and delivery of the "Instructor Certificate, eighth level (Sifu)". Read the Full Story


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Progressive Wing Chun Kung Fu To Train And Pass On The Tradition Of The Art According To Master Chung Kwok Chow.
Contact Information +1 (787) 531 9096
+1 (609) 713 4835
Location Puerto Rico
Tampa Bay Area
United States of America
Staff Details Sifu: José Colón
Sihing: Lonny Sarao